The head of school, who may be the head, executive head,
owner, principal, governor, superintendent. Heads will be
encouraged to consider who they should send to Leading
the learning category 1. Required prior to submission of
Application for Authorization Form A.
In this workshop, heads of school are challenged to think
about the process of leadership differently, to base their
decisionmaking and actioning on a foundation of deeper
understanding of the complex nature of their own particular
context as well as being immersed into the IB ecosystem.
Building on this understanding, leaders—together with the
IB—will consider the ways in which their school community
(all stakeholders) will place learning at the centre of their IB
programme, through the thoughtful development of purpose,
culture and environment, in alignment with the IB’s mission
and philosophy. Working with each other and the workshop
leaders, participants will:
• embrace their role as a leader of a learning organization in
an IB global context.
• become familiar with the IB’s philosophy and requirements,
including the specifications relevant to the programme(s)
for which the school is seeking authorization.
• prepare to inform and engage their school community.
• plan their school’s IB journey through authorization and
beyond, including the identification of a potential leading
learners team.
During the workshop, leaders will begin to develop their
school’s IB action plan to meet the IB’s requirements for
authorization and a vision for ongoing implementation.