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PYP Category 2 -Learning and Teaching for Conceptual Understanding

RECOMMENDED FOR: PYP educators, coordinators, librarians/media specialists and specialist teachers, who wish to learn more about designing and teaching for conceptual understanding in a transdisciplinary and inquiry-based learning environment. How might we intentionally design and teach for conceptual understanding within a transdisciplinary and inquiry-based context? Developing conceptual understanding enables learners to access many kinds of […]


PYP Category 1 – Building Your IB Programme — Primary Years (formerly Making the PYP Happen: Implementing Agency)

RECOMMENDED FOR: All Primary Years Programme (PYP) teachers (early years, Primary Years, new to PYP and with some experience of the PYP What does it mean to be an IB Primary years educator? An IB education supports the development of learners through a holistic approach within its inquiry-based and contextualised curriculum frameworks. In this workshop, […]


CP Category 1 – Leading the Learning (CP)

RECOMMENDED FOR: Required for coordinators in candidate schools; encouraged for all members of the pedagogical leadership team, librarians, specialists, deans of students, counsellors, year level leaders/heads of department, section/deputy/ assistant/vice heads, inclusion specialists, career/guidance specialist. This workshop will support learning leaders to create the culture and conditions of a Career-related Programme (CP) school by considering […]


What is an International Education? Category 3 -Approaches to Learning

What skills positively influence and support a student’s approach to life-long learning? All IB programmes develop the approaches to learning (ATL) skill categories of communication, social, self-management, research and thinking. • Develop a deeper understanding of ATL as a way for students to acquire and use skills developed over time in order to access learning. […]


What is an International Education? Category 3 -Approaches to Learning

What skills positively influence and support a student’s approach to life-long learning? All IB programmes develop the approaches to learning (ATL) skill categories of communication, social, self-management, research and thinking. • Develop a deeper understanding of ATL as a way for students to acquire and use skills developed over time in order to access learning. […]


DP/CP Category 1: Librarians

RECOMMENDED FOR: Librarians who are new or have little experience with the DP or CP This workshop is designed to prepare you to develop a library or media centre that supports the IB mission statement and philosophy. The workshop will focus on: • developing an understanding of the IB mission and philosophy through the programme […]
