PYP Category 3: The Role of Mathematics
RECOMMENDED FOR: Classroom teachers. How is mathematics taught using an inquiry approach? How is mathematics addressed within and outside of the context of the programme of inquiry? How do learners […]
What is an International Education? Category 3 -Approaches to Learning
What skills positively influence and support a student’s approach to life-long learning? All IB programmes develop the approaches to learning (ATL) skill categories of communication, social, self-management, research and thinking. […]
DP Category 2 – Theory of Knowledge
RECOMMENDED FOR: Experienced Diploma Programme (DP) Theory of Knowledge (TOK) teachers who have prepared students for at least one assessment session and are keen to further improve the TOK teaching […]
DP Category 1 – Theory of Knowledge
RECOMMENDED FOR: Teachers (from authorized IB World Schools, interested or candidate schools preparing for authorization) who are new to TOK or who have not yet prepared students for a TOK […]
DP Category 1 – Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)
RECOMMENDED FOR: Diploma Programme (DP) coordinators of Creativity, activity, service (CAS). This workshop is designed to help creativity, activity, service coordinators develop a quality CAS programme that supports the IB […]
MYP Category 2: Language Acquisition (generic)
RECOMMENDED FOR: Middle Years Programme (MYP) subject-group teachers with at least one year of experience delivering the MYP in their specific subject. In order to actively participate and collaborate, all […]
PYP Category 2: Learning and Teaching for Conceptual Understanding
RECOMMENDED FOR: PYP educators, coordinators, librarians/media specialists and specialist teachers, who wish to learn more about designing and teaching for conceptual understanding in a transdisciplinary and inquiry-based learning environment. How […]
MYP Category 2: Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning in the MYP
RECOMMENDED FOR: Teams of at least two teachers from different subject groups can attend so they can work together on developing resources, strategies and units to be used at their […]
MYP Category 3: Inquiry in the MYP
RECOMMENDED FOR: Experienced Middle Years Programme (MYP) teachers and coordinators. This workshop identifies what “inquiry” is and how it naturally differentiates for all learners. You will inquire into how to […]
MYP Category 1: Language Acquisition (generic)
RECOMMENDED FOR: Middle Years Programme (MYP) subject-group teachers new to the MYP at established IB World Schools and teachers from interested or candidate schools. Category 1 workshops will encourage you […]